When they had all had enough to eat, Jesus said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” John 6:12 (NIV)
Americans throw away more than 25% of the food we prepare, about 96 billion pounds of food waste each year according to the US Department of Agriculture.
BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS! A national program called the Food Donation Connection provides an alternative to discarding surplus food by linking food service donors with approved local non-profit agencies. Locally, this is referred to as the Harvest Program, and The LOT Project has just been APPROVED as a recipient non-profit! GLORY, GLORY, HALLELUJAH!
Today, we got our first call saying Pizza Hut has food ready for us to distribute, so we left immediately to pick it up. We headed to the Homeless One Stop to donate the food, and they were THRILLED! They said it was an answer to prayer (imagine that)! They just decided to open the center over the weekend to help with hurricane evacuees, AND THEY WERE WONDERING WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO FEED EVERYONE!
I’ll be… ain’t our God good? His plan is so much bigger than ours! He never ceases to amaze.
The LOT Project will receive Harvest Program food donations twice a week, every week. If you would like to help pick up and drop off food on Tuesdays and/or Fridays, let us know! Email us at info@lotproject.org
Since 1992, Food Donation Connection has assisted food service companies with the development and implementation of Harvest Programs designed to provide an alternative to discarding surplus food. We have coordinated the donation of over 500 million pounds of quality prepared food from food service providers located in the United States, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain, Hong Kong, Thailand as well as other countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. In 2016, 553 business entities through 17,000+ foodservice locations (restaurants, airports, travel plazas, retailers, universities, hospitals, distribution centers) donated 50 million pounds of prepared surplus food to 10,000 hunger relief organizations.
#LoveGodLovePeople #goodfoodfeedingpeople